If there were ever the time to do something new, it is now. After close to two years of not playing shows, we’re really excited to be back and we’re really ready to do something new.

We’ve been developing a visual component to our set over the last few years (2018-2019 & 2021-2022) through a series of performances around the state of MN, made possible by a grant from the MN State Arts Board. These performances focused on the narrative of the band’s 2014 album, Picture (Portrait) and gave us the opportunity to communicate visually using projections & simple stage lighting.

We’re currently working on a new record. With our new music, we’re interested in creating a visual space to accompany, support and juxtapose the music. In collaboration with visual artists, Leah Monson & Calvin Keyes, the band will be designing simple lighting, projections, & stage design in order to occupy new visual space on stage.

video by Calvin Keyes

We’re not entirely sure what it’s going to look like yet. It’s going to be a bit of an experiment. I think that’s the most exciting part.

Our goal is to design something simple with minimal stage footprint that will effectively create a unique atmosphere on stage. It’s going to be a bit of an experiment and we want you and your venue to be a part of it.